Dr. Vasant D Bhat ( 9663168393 - Group A
Dr. Sharad Sure ( 9449204337 - Group B
Dr. Biju K ( 8943327651 - Group C
Dr. William Dharma Raja ( 9443195395
Course Coordinator: Vasant Bhat
Teacher: Dr. Anil Kumar K
Course Coordinator: Vasant Bhat
Teacher:Dr. Somshekhar T V
Course Coordinator: Vasant Bhat
Teacher: Dr. Ramdas V
Course Coordinator: Vasant Bhat
Teacher: Vasant Bhat
Course Coordinator: Vasant Bhat
The Certificate in Educational Research Methodology (CERM) is a programme designed for a target group of professionals working in formal or informal government or private systems of education having a concern and responsibility for conducting research. It consists of 16 units arranged under four modular courses and research project work.
Eligibility: Masters Degree in any subject
Duration: 6 months
Contact Programmes: Two (each of 5 days)
Total Credits: 16 Credits
Mode of evaluation will be as stipulated for each modular course and following modes will be employed for deciding the CGPA for the entire programme.
- Unit End Assignments
- Practicum
- Participation in discussion forums
- Presentation of the Research Report
- Assessment of the Research Report
- Quizzes on the units
- Term End Viva-voce
Course coordinator: Dr. V. D. Bhat
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